Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Unemployment and why Oprah is the answer....

As some of you may already know I am currently unemployed. Being unemployed really makes you think about what it is you want to do; and I want to be Oprah. Hear me out; Oprah gets to make people happy, talk to all sorts of interesting people, write a magazine, make her own TV shows AND make a lot of money doing it. Since this 25th season of the Oprah show is her last, I am thinking she will need a replacement........

Now stay with me for a second because I have to switch gears....I got a GPS for Christmas (Thanks Dustin!) and for the life of me I can't figure it out. I read the book, followed the instructions and all seems to be working except for one catch; my GPS thinks I'm in Chicago, Illinois. Now, you can read into this however you want; I choose to think that my GPS is guiding me; it is as if my GPS is whispering..."Go, be with Oprah, in the windy city.....gooooo......Oprahhhhhh." I mean my GPS may not be telling me where I am, but perhaps it is telling me where I need to go.

I have a fortune telling, prophet like, GPS.

This is the only conclusion I can draw.

Chicago or Bust.... (Oprah I'll text you when I get there! xo)

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