Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The FIRST Wine Wednesday of 2011

I am not above a bargain. Furthermore I am not above a bargain wine, hell- I used to drink wine out of a box.... the bottom line is I am a wine lover- but not a wine snob. I recently had a small get together at my condo and wanted to get a few bottles of bargain wine, not wanting to drain my personal stock. (Sorry I'm not sorry...) I went to Costco and found this gem; Frontera Wines Concha y Toro, it is a Cabernet-Merlot blend. Costco was selling the 1.5 L bottles of this for 6.98 I think? I was a little skeptical, because of the size of the bottle and the small price tag-- but hey, I'll try any wine once. The description claimed it was the #1 Chilean wine sold. This claim only highlighted how little I know about the Chilean wine market....was being #1 impressive? 1 out of 3? What are we talking? But I took a chance and I'm glad I did because it really was quite good. My guests seemed to enjoy it as well, plus I think it gave us all an edge in playing Just Dance 2 on Wii.....the more we drank the better we danced! Fact! Now get out there and try this great Chilean find. Ole!

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