Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Shoes

For all of my Christmas joy I'm feeling a lot of rants this holiday season. After holding this particular one inside for years, I am ready to let it out. The topic: Christmas Shoes by Newsong. Call me heartless but I think this song is beyond dumb. Let me set the stage for you in case you're unfamiliar; It's Christmas Eve, and a gentleman is standing in line to buy something when he notices a dirty, homeless looking little boy, he eavesdrops on him and hears him say that he would like to buy some shoes for his mother who is dying, and the shoes are just her size. How perfect. The catch? He has no money, remember he is dirty and destitute. The little boy turns around and pleads with the stranger in line about how great his mom always made Christmas and that some years she went without any gifts; always putting herself last. The stranger obliged (he just wanted to get home to his own family, and this was the fastest option) and paid for the little boy's shoes for his dying mother.

There are so many things wrong with this song I don't even know where to begin. Let's break it down using actual lyrics to really illustrate the point..... (that the song is dumb. try to keep up.)

Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes would make her smile

Listen kid, I am sympathetic to the fact that your mother is about to meet her maker; however it sounds like things are rough at home financially, so perhaps purchasing shoes should be low on your agenda. You're about to be left with one parent and I'm sure he would appreciate you holding onto that money for, oh I don't know, food. Living beyond your means is irresponsible, but purchasing shoes for someone who probably won't need them for long is even worse. Plus, your mom is facing her mortality-- shoes make people feel better about a lot of things, dying isn't one of them. Give her a hug, tell her what you told the nice, naive man at the store.

So I laid the money down, I just had to help him out
I'll never forget the look on his face when he said
Mama's gonna look so great

This man just got taken. I saw this kid at the general store one town over 20 minutes ago working this routine for a coat. He knows the system, and he works it. If there actually is a dying parent, well, then see my first point. She doesn't need shoes. This sounds to me like a scam.

And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight

I don't know Jesus, but from what I've heard about him-- he doesn't care what shoes you're wearing. And if he does care about your shoes then I think we have a lot of things wrong. He's got to be wearing, what, like maybe a strappy leathery sandal type thing? Fashion is not a top concern for Jesus. Jesus loves everyone, it's like his thing.

I knew I'd caught a glimpse of heaven's love
As he thanked me and ran out
I knew that God had sent that little boy
To remind me just what Christmas is all about

Begging? Irrational Purchases? Winning the approval of Jesus through footwear?

I rest my case.


  1. Nicole. Ha. This is great. I'm sending the link to my friends.

  2. Oh Nicole,
    You're too funny, Dad is very proud of this particular blog. He wanted to make sure I didn't miss it. We're looking forward to your next posting.... "Winning the approval of Jesus through footwear?" Nice observation, you have such a funny sense of it....
    Love you!
