Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wine Wednesday

Today marks a very important day. I did not know this when I woke up, but I know it now, for today my friends marks our very first Wine Wednesday. With a name like Misery Loves Cabernet it seems more than appropriate to take one day a week to observe and acknowledge another tasty wine. So today, to kick off our very FIRST Wine Wednesday, I would like to share with you one of my favorite blends. It is the Penfold's Koonunga Hill (fun name!) Shiraz-Cabernet, and it is delicious. I'm not going to pretend to be some wine connoisseur, and use words like oaky and undertone; all I know is it tastes good when it hits your lips. The first time I had this wine I was out to dinner* at Bonefish with a friend. I liked it so much I whipped out my iPhone** immediately to make sure to store a note of what it was called. I've been buying it ever since. Best served in a large glass. Enjoy!

*Lunch on a weekday.
**You're welcome, Apple.

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