Thursday, October 14, 2010

Things that go CRASH in the night.......

This is a scary story. At least it was scary when it happened. I'm telling it now as a warning to others-- this doesn't have to happen to you......

Last night, or early this morning, whichever way you look at it-- around 2:30 AM I was awoken by a very large very scary noise-- a giant crash, breaking glass, and all sorts of commotion. I shot up, scared and confused. Paralyzed by fear I sat in my bed, looking around the room for the culprit as my eyes adjusted. My mind was racing as I thought of all the possibilities of what could have made this noise. My first thought was INTRUDER! Why didn't I have a dog? Of course I began to have thoughts that I assume everyone has before they're about to meet their maker... I wish I was wearing something cuter....these pajamas don't even match. I didn't see anything. My bedroom door, oddly, was wide open, crap I never sleep with it open and now if there's an intruder he will have already seen me..... I got up and tiptoed into the family room, I looked around and then stopped cold; I was convinced I heard running water in my kitchen.... I went in to investigate further. Yes I realize this was not the best move.... I walked in fully expecting to find my thief in the night, but alas-- nothing except dirty dishes...... don't judge.

I walked back into my bedroom waiting for someone to jump out at me from a closet, or perhaps under the bed. My heart was racing at a million (approx) BPM (beats per minute). I heard glass shatter- something HAD to have happened somewhere in this place... I was fairly certain I didn't dream it....what the crap was going on? I paced around my room, trying to be super quiet.. until finally I saw it.....My closet had given up-- the whole rack came out of the wall causing a chaos I was not equipped to deal with at 2:30 in the morning. Everything was on the ground, clothes, hangers, luggage, racks...and the glass. You see-- I like to keep spare candles around at all times, in case I need them for myself-- or for a quick go-to gift if necessary. So I had about 9 candles, in glass jars come plummeting down to their final resting place. This saddened me more than anything because candles are expensive! And I'm on a budget these days... (Bath and Body Works if you're reading this, please send "Autumn" "White Citrus" and any of your Christmas scents. Thank you.)

The moral of this story, dear readers, is that a closet rack is not built to hold large amounts of clothing, luggage, and an arsenal of scented candles. One day it will give out, give up, and move on to the floor. It will scare you, as it is quite noisy. And if you are sleeping it will REALLY scare you.

RIP Candle....

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