Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A little update, and an apology.........

Hello Friends! This picture represents how I have felt lately. Cut up into pieces, shoved into rice and wrapped in seaweed. (OK, maybe just the first part-- though the second part sounds like a nice spa treatment.....) But really, I've felt pulled in a lot of directions, unable to give 100% of myself to anything... Bottom line: I have been slacking in several areas of my life because I am in the last 5 weeks of GRAD SCHOOL!!! This is a terribly exciting time, but it is also a terribly busy time, and a terribly stressful time. Which is why I missed a Wine Wednesday...(I sincerely hope you all celebrated it without me....) In short, I want you all to know that I will resume writing as soon as I finish writing these 3098098 papers for the end of the semester!! Bear with me. Until then, you can find me at Starbucks....I'll be the one with the Venti Coffee and Venti bags under my eyes.....yikes. xo